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British Poultry Science is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England. It is also a Registered Charity.

Council of Management

CHAIR: Jules Taylor-Pickard, Alltech, UK

SECRETARY: G.A. Mieras – The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK

G.K. Baggott – London, UK
M.R.  Bedford – AB Vista, UK
W. Bessei – Univ. of Hohenheim, Germany
M.M. Bain – University of Glasgow, UK
J.S. Bentley – Heritage Bred Poultry Ltd., Cheshire, UK

E. Burton - Nottingham Trent University, UK
A. Butterworth - Veterinary Surgeon, UK
J. Buyse – KU Leuven, Belgium
I.C. Dunn – Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK
D. Guemene – INRA, France
M.G. MacLeod - Edinburgh, UK
G.M. Pesti – University of Georgia, USA
V. Pirgozliev - Harper Adams University, UK
B. Rodenburg - Utrecht  University, The Netherlands 
A.B.M. Raj – University of Bristol, UK
J. Roberts – University of New England, Australia
V. Sandilands – SRUC, Ayr, UK
N.H.C. Sparks –  SRUC, Ayr, UK
N. Yang – Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing, PR China


J Taylor-Pickard (Chair)
G.K. Baggott (ex officio website liaison)
M.M. Bain
J. Bentley
I. C. Dunn
V. Sandilands
G. Mieras as Company Secretary.